Our mission statement and charter defines Astronomical Society of Nevada as a service organization for the state of Nevada. Here are the programs ASN supports:
In honor of John Dobson (September 14, 1915 – January 15, 2014), we offer free telescope viewing at Sparks Marina, Sparks NV typically on the third Friday of the month. The party starts at sunset and lasts until the last question is asked. ASN surprises walkers and runners alike with a view through our telescopes, clouds permitting. (A special thanks to "Sparks Recreation" for turning off the peninsula lights.)
The Club supports Lassen's "Dark Sky Festival" in August, and attends other regional star parties including the Golden State Star Party, the Oregon Star Party, and the Great Basin Astronomy Festival.
ASN has conducted numerous free school star parties in the Reno-Sparks area. My best experience is a student saying "I have seen Saturn in pictures before!" Then the student looks through a modest size telescope at a small image and says, "Is that for real? It looks better than any picture!" One check mark for mission accomplished!
If you want to learn the night sky, volunteer your time to one of these Star Parties.
Members only parties are near the new moon on a Saturday at a dark location generally within a one-hour drive from Reno. No telescope is needed but encouraged. Here is the time to experiment with your equipment. The Club has a wealth of talent and experience astronomers to solve problems or answer questions. Here is the time to socialize and make friends. Meet Mad Mike, our Messier Marathon master, and see all 110 Messier objects in one night! Use our 20" and 24" Obsession telescopes.
Come and be an Ambassador for Astronomy and See Forever!
Jim Fahey, 2012