A young astronomy student named Amelia shares a resource from Jomashop Academy about the origin of the sundial.
Dr. Becky is an astrophysicist at the University of Oxford, an author, and a very dedicated YouTube video creator. Her Youtube Channel has over 377 thousand subscribers and offers a wealth of info.
#unfoldtheuniverse is a recently created hashtag to help people gather resources together exploring and celebrating the design, production, launch, and expedition of the James Webb Space Telescope.
The Astronomy Education Journal aims to meet the needs of the astronomy education community by providing a location for all manner of practical, newsworthy and scholarly publications involving developments in the field (from the 'About' page at astroedjournal.org).
This project, created by Mitchell Barrick, includes the 88 IAU recognized constellations, what they represent, where and when you can see them, and we've even visually identified their brightest stars.
Regarding light pollution, Nevada is exceptional for its dark skies. This light pollution mapping application displays VIIRS/DMSP/World Atlas over Microsoft Bing base layers.
There are several good lists for Star Parties and other astronomical events. Some are kept up-to-date more than others. Check out these lists.
Incredible images gathered from many astronomy sites, including the Solar Dynamics Observatory, the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory, the European Southern Observatory, NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope, and more.
The Sacramento Valley Astronomical Society has collected biographies of ancient and Renaissance astronomers.
The emphasis is on education for enthusiasts of all ages, providing educational shows, presentations and scientific exhibits that correlate with K-12 Next-Generation Science Standards.