History, Research, Recommended Links
Sky & Telescope
Sky & Telescope magazine was founded by Charles A. Federer Jr. and Helen Spence Federer, in 1941. The magazine and Website focus on amateur and professional interests in astronomy, and are packed with information. The site and the magazine help amateur astronomers everywhere connect to one another to share discoveries and the love of astronomy.
Astronomy Magazine
Astronomy Magazine, founded in 1973 by Steve Walther, is directed at astronomy hobbyists and is the most popular magazine of its kind in the world. The Magazine's companion Website offers astronomy news articles, tips on observing the skies, photo and video galleries, prolific blog threads, a science shopping section, and much more.
Space Weather
The Space Weather Website (spaceweather.com) is maintained by Dr. Tony Phillips, and offers technical details about the relationship between the Sun and the Earth. On this site you can find information about solar winds, solar flares, sunspots, thermospheric climate, solar radio emissions, current information about the Aurora Oval, and more.
Fleischmann Planetarium
Fleischmann Planetarium is located on the University of Nevada, Reno campus, and serves to educate (and delight) 50,000 visitors a year. The emphasis is on education for enthusiasts of all ages, providing educational shows, presentations and scientific exhibits that correlate with K-12 Next-Generation Science Standards. The Planetarium offers its space for parties, social events, and meetings (Our monthly meetings are held at the Planetarium).
Dark Sky Map
Regarding light pollution, Nevada is exceptional for its dark skies.
Star Parties & Events
There are several good lists for Star Parties and other astronomical events. Some are kept up-to-date more than others. Check these out:
Attilla Danko's charts forecast sky clouds, transparency & seeing.
The Differences between Reflecting, Refracting and Catadioptric Telescopes.
Here's a list of inspiring and informative astronomy apps for your PC, phone, and tablet.
Junior Astronomers
Have you ever wondered just how many stars are in the sky? And have you learned the names of all the planets?