Fleischmann Planetarium and Science Center
1664 N Virginia St, Reno
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
6:30 pm ASN Business Meeting
7:00 pm Arrive early and socialize
7:30 pm Meeting Program and discussion
Elections are held each year in October. This year's officers are:
Our Dark Sky Party in Markleeville, CA last weekend had some cool photos of our 20" and SeeStar telescopes.
RENO/SPARKS, NV (May 13, 2024) – The Astronomical Society of Nevada (ASN) will celebrate Astronomy Day 2024 on Saturday, May 18, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM with a free event at Lazy 5 Regional Park, 7100 Pyramid Way, Sparks, NV. The public is invited to attend and learn about astronomy in northern Nevada and observing some of the darkest skies in the country.
ASN will witness a major solar event this year. A total solar eclipse will cross from Texas to Maine on April 8, 2024. We wish to thank Michael Spingler for the research he has done. It’s time for ASN astronomers to prepare for these two events...
Celestron CPC Deluxe 1100 HD Computerized Telescope. Includes two 2” and one 1.25 eyepiece, vibration pads, power tank, led finder, finder scope, carrying case, and tripod. The scope is in excellent condition. For sale $3900.00
The ASN has a new Discussion Forum for members. It's just getting started, but the more we use it, the greater sense of community we will feel as astronomy enthusiasts. Through discussions, we can help to foster a love of learning and discovery. We can encourage engagement in astronomy research and outreach. And we can help to promote a deeper understanding of astronomy.
If you are passionate about astronomy, we encourage you to join the discussion forum and get involved. You will be glad you did!
The NexStar 10 boasts features like USB 3.0 SuperSpeed (backward compatible with USB 2.0), a high-resolution ON Semiconductor CMOS color sensor with super small 1.67 micron pixels in a 3856 2754 pixel array, Celestron iCap image capture software, RegiStax stacking software, and more.
The Kendrick dew remover system is designed to eliminate dew from telescope optics by keeping the optics slightly warmer than ambient, or above the dew point. Power is applied from a dew controller via flexible dew heaters, usually wrapped around the telescope tube, near the cell housing the optics.
Various astronomy accessories for sale: a GPS module, a Sky-Watcher's motorized mount for accurate tracking capabilities, and a VariMax Variable Eyepiece Projection adapter. Read the article for details and prices.
ASN has the opportunity to witness two major solar events in the next 13 months; an annular solar eclipse in eastern Nevada in October 2023 and then in April 2024 a total solar eclipse will cross 13 states from Texas to Maine.
iOptron iPolar Electronic Polarscope with Rear USB Port - No Mount Adapter - Fits CEM26, GEM28, SkyGuider...
Read the article for details, price.
Markleeville . August 19, 2023 Sunset 7:51 Moon set 9:34 THIS IS A DARK SKY AREA!. Read the article for details and map.